
Alaska PaleoGlacier Atlas

Pleistocene glacier extents in Alaska

All geospatial data presented on this webpage from the APG Atlas V2 is also available from the NOAA Paleoclimate Database here. tab tab tab

MIS 2 (late Wisconsinan) glacier extents in Alaska

late Wisconsinan ice limits zoomlate Wisconsinan ice limits



kmz google earth file

pgn ESRI polygon shapefile

pln ESRI polyline shapefile

high / low resolution image


right example: Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska

MIS 4 (early Wisconsinan) glacier extents in Alaska

early wisc extent in Alaskaeary wisc zoom



kmz google earth file

pgn ESRI polygon shapefile

pln ESRI polyline shapefile

high / low resolution image


right example: DeLong Mountains, Northwestern Alaska

Maximum Pleistocene glacier extents in Alaska

max pleistmax pleist zoom



kmz google earth file

pgn ESRI polygon shapefile

pln ESRI polyline shapefile

high / low resolution image


right example: The Yukon-Tanana Upland

Modern glaciers in Alaska

modern glaciersmodern zoom


Modern glaciers provided by Randolph Glacier Inventory v 6.0

kmz google earth file

pgn ESRI polygon shapefile

pln ESRI polyline shapefile

high / low resolution image

data available from the Randolph Glacier inventory v. 6.0

right example: Denali National Park, central Alaska Range

Alaska PaleoGlacier Atlas complete map

apg atlas full

Brooks Range Brooks Range
Yukon-Tanana Uplands

Seward Peninsula

Alaska Range The Yukon-Tanana Upland
Ahklun Mountains Alaska Range/ Southern Alaska
Southern Alaska Ahklun Mountains
Southern Alaska Southeast Alaska

ICE-D is a live database that compiles cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages relating to glacial chronology from across the planet, including Alaska. See the ICE-D website for a summary of published exposure-ages from Alaska.

iced image and link

collect all raw input data from the ICE-D Alaska PaleoGlacier Atlas database here

calculate exposure ages using the online exposure age calculators here

Beringia basemap

beringia basemap


Beringia basemap provided by the University of Alaska Fairbanks

high / low resolution image

tif digital elevation model


full dataset and description available from the UAF ARDEM website

Quartz-rich crystalline bedrock units of Alaska

qtz-bedrock in alaska


Quartz-rich bedrock units extracted from bedrock geologic map of Alaska

kmz google earth file

pgn ESRI polygon shapefile

full bedrock dataset available from the USGS

pgc logo

The Polar Geospatial Center's Arctic DEM at 2 m resolution covering most of the arctic including Alaska

below example: the Muldrow Glacier in Denali National Park

21.0-1.0 ka timeslice of ice-sheet limits for North America (Dyke, 2004)

Note: in Alaska, the glacier extents are depicted as the larger expansions of the early Wisconsin rather than the smaller late Wisconsin limits that are documented in this atlas.

update coming soon available here

muldrow glacier

dyke map LGM

contributors: Jason Briner jbriner@buffalo.edu and Joseph Tulenko jptulenk@buffalo.edu UB Geology Department website and Glacier History Lab website

Webpage updated from the orginal Alaska Paleoglacier Atlas designed by William Manley william.manley@colorado.edu and Darrell Kaufman darrell.kaufman@nau.edu

top photo credit: Jason Briner, Portage Glacier, eastern Kenai Peninsula